Women in Harmony

Women in Harmony – Vibrant Energy&Health

Beautiful- Are you are longing for more vibrant energy& health?
Do you dream about a balanced life with sacred “Me” time.
If the answer is Yes this course is for you. It’s a potent time to invest in your health.
It will help you expand into an empowered version of yourself where you are embodying the true essence of who you truly are. You will feel inspired to live a healthy life with more energy and joy.

“A woman in Harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destinations prepared to be herself and herself only”
-Maya Angelou

Do you want to feel activated?

It’s so easy in the times we are living to feel disconnected to the woman that lives within.
The most important relationship for a woman is her relationship to herself.
When a woman is activated, she realizes that everything she seeks in life is within herself.

By tuning in and connecting to our breath we learn to slow down. When we slow down, we recognize our body as our divine teacher. We start to listen and when we listen, we meet our intuition. Our intuition is our compass to start living an activated life.

Layout of Course:

This course is designed to help you create a stable foundation through yoga exercises that will support your physical body, meditations to expand your awareness and mantras that will help you elevate your consciousness.

Throughout this course I will introduce you to my favorite Kundalini Yoga Sets. The classes are both beginner of KY or if you have been practicing for a while. The classes are different in length and

Each class is created to help

you can choose from 6 different classes.

You don’t need to do the classes in any specific order.

achieve a specific result.

All classes are accessible at time at purchase.

Through a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation you begin to take power in all areas in your life.

The heart of any transformation is a daily practice.
You can choose one of the yoga classes for a 40 day daily sadhana- daily self ritual. When we practice one yoga set for 40 consecutive days we create a new habit.
When we make a habit of a yoga practice, we are creating a sacred ritual. When you are tending to your daily ritual you are nurturing your soul.

Through these ancient yoga practices, we are tapping into the wealth of wisdom and knowledge that we all carry within.

Vibrant Energy&Health – is for you Woman – who desire to feel empowered, who wants to raise your vibration and who is curious about Kundalini Yoga. This yoga course is to activate and ignite the lifeforce that you carry within. Through breathing techniques, physical body movements and meditation you will unite your body mind and soul.

So what about Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is often referred as the Yoga of Awareness. The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to provide a modality by which people can achieve their maximum creative potential and realize their life purpose. Kundalini Yoga can have a very strong impact on you and its important to take these teachings with reverence and respect. As a teacher of this lineage, I know the deep teachings can have a tremendous effect on us and therefore I will be here to support you through this course. We will be together in a private FB group where we will have conversations about the impacts of the classes.

KY has a vast wealth of teachings just for women to start to understand the true essence of being an empowered woman.

All these practices tools and meditations are keys guiding us back to the connection of Me in Me.

Your small investment for-

Vibrant Energy& Health: 1318 Kr /129 Euro
Last day to enroll is 9/6.

Sign up today and receive a special bonus:

Access to a private FB group with:

v 28 recorded 35 -45 min classes with different mantras and meditations v Tips and tools and recipes for healthy smoothies juices and more
v Playlists with from Spotify.